Corporate Governance

List of Directors and their Role and Function

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Procedures for Election of Directors

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Memorandum and Articles of Association

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Audit committee

Mr. O’Yang Wiley (Chairman)
Mr. Lee Wai Yat, Paco
Mr. Li Zongjin
Mr. Fok Wai Shun, Wilson

>Terms of reference

Remuneration committee

Mr. Fok Wai Shun, Wilson (Chairman)
Ms. Choi Kwan Li, Glendy
Mr. O’Yang Wiley

>Terms of reference

Nomination Committee

Mr. Choi Hung Nang (Chairman)
Mr. Li Zongjin
Mr. Lee Wai Yat, Paco

>Terms of reference

Risk Management Committee

Ms. Choi Kwan Li, Glendy (Chairman)
Mr. O’Yang Wiley
Mr. Fok Wai Shun, Wilson

>Terms of reference