Financial Highlights

Year ended 31 December
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000
Revenue 446,426 378,929 429,203 345,387 277,861
Cost of sales (358,697) (300,932) (288,782) (241,526) 192,597
Gross profit 87,729 77,997 140,421 103,861 85,264
Other income and other gains/(loss), net (359) 7,846 3,692 5,678 7,509
Distribution costs (84,764) (73,486) (83,459) (77,594) (73,240)
Administrative expenses (75,302) (59,570) (68,675) (62,401) (63,211)
Net (provision for)/reversal of impairment losses on financial assets 34,768 25,945 6,465 (29,769) 11,299
Operating profit/(loss) (37,928) (21,268) (1,556) (60,225) (32,379)
Finance income, net 8,853 10,022 14,169 14,940 10,552
Share of profit of associates 2,164 2,746 2,121 1,379 1,997
Share of profit of a joint venture - 455 519 - 0
Profi/t(Loss) before income tax (26,911) (8,045) 15,253 (43,906) (19,830)
Income tax (expense)/credit (8,165) (9,199) (4,590) 3,118 (4,034)
Profit/(Loss) attributable to owners of the Company for the year (35,076) (17,244) 10,663 (40,788) (23,864)